About Jodi

Hi! I’m Jodi Panagakos and am a Certified Holistic Wellness Coach and Professional Health Counselor.

Through my accredited education with the International Association of Wellness  Professionals, I’m trained in a unique health philosophy called Wellness 360™ that helps people to create health and balance in all areas of their life.

I use a proven coaching process called the CORE Coaching Method which supports my clients to not only reach their goals but create lasting changes.  

As a Wellness 360™ Coach, I help my clients through 5 proven steps designed to help them create total mind-body wellness with tons of support and guidance on their journey.

Learn more about my Wellness 360™ Coaching Programs here.

Living a healthy life you love is right around the corner


About Me:

I was diagnosed with Sarcoidosis 30+ years ago, which is an inflammatory auto-immune disease.  Through the years I have been to numerous doctors and specialists which led to numerous test and numerous prescriptions.  Because of the frustration of “Doctors” not knowing the answers and either just trying a new prescription to mask the symptoms or just handing me over to the next “Dr” because they didn’t know what else to do, I decided to take a more natural approach.  There again I met many natural specialists and tried their treatments all to which added many bottles of expensive supplements, some of which would work for a period of time but would not be long lasting or just too costly to continue.  After discovering a more holistic approach in looking into all aspects of my life and discovering how each affects your whole being, I have been able to manage my symptoms and am living a happier, healthier life.