Hi! I’m Delite Fontenot, a Certified Holistic Wellness & Life Coach. I am also humbly a Christian Mental Health Advocate.

WELCOME I’m so glad you’re here!

Through my accredited education with the International Association of Wellness Professionals, I’m trained in a unique health philosophy called Wellness 360™ that helps people to create honor, health, and balance in all areas of their lives.

I use a proven coaching process called the CORE Coaching Method which supports my clients to not only reach their goals but also create positive lasting changes.  

As a 360™ Holistic Wellness & Life Coach, I meet & honor my clients where they are! One of the many ways I mentor & help my clients in coaching is through 5 proven steps. These steps are designed to help them create total mind-body wellness with tons of support, guidance,  cheerleading & so much more on their journey.

Learn more about my Wellness 360™ Coaching Programs here

Living a healthy life you love is right around the corner


 My mission is to holistically coach & mentor both men & women like yourself, where you are at, to bring out your true best self.  And to learn to live your best lifestyle, Both PERSONALLY and PROFESSIONALLY enabling you to THRIVE, into all God-created you to be!

Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire!

I can also assist you compassionately after most major life events, losses,  or any harsh experiences, to regain your best balance, and grow from what you’ve gone through, to your truest highest joyful self again. 


Being all that you can be, is SELF-LESS, not Self-ish!


We can address today your top challenge like “SLEEP” or “STRESS.”  Or over time, help you seek & implement a deeper, more loving, nourishing, thriving, body, mind, soul, & spirit-connected lifestyle. Enabling you to walk through a challenge, overcome it, and positively grow from it, to live & present now your BEST each new day!







Have you had self-love modeled to you, & realized your value in God? Were you allowed to prioritize yourself without being told you were being selfish? I wasn’t! Do you remain hindered & not your best, still today, regardless of the immense love throughout your life? Busy days & LIFE can also cover up our best. That’s okay! I’m here to help you bring out your BEST!!


I have experienced & endured much frustration & extensive setbacks, all the while fighting anxiety & ADHD without a strong faith in God. I have suffered from many broken relationships, sadness, trauma, loss, & abuse, in the past! I have also missed rare opportunities in relationships, & careers not knowing how to love, honor, & be my best self! 


 Along with my ongoing abuse, &  lack of faith in God, I struggled until age 58 for answers. My ignorance of the need for self-love self-care, and healthy boundaries, & without a helpful coach/advisor, had sent me down a long hard, & challenging path & future.


 However, my experiences, stubbornness &  strong determination to learn success for a better life for my future finally taught me a better journey! Not just learning survival, but thriving, undergoing Certified Holistic Wellness Coaching & mentoring. Halleleuh I finally learned how to OVERCOME, & truly SHINE! Working hard, I grew stronger in my life, & faith. I became healed, wiser, & more secure in who I am. I developed a unique plan to finally enjoy living, loving, & honoring myself and others, daily now with the love of God.  I also regained lost opportunities & am now prospering in my future. I found true love inside of me, and in others, and joy & prosperity, within my soul & spirit! And a better blessed positive life! I choose now to give back, to coach, honor, and serve you from my success, into yours!



MY PASSION “When I’m not coaching others to their best, which is a true joy, my passion as a coach, mentor, & Mental Health Advocate is assisting & coaching men & women like me, who may have undergone childhood or adult trauma, abuse, or loss to help them grow through what they go through & thrive again. REMEMBER: “It’s always way too soon to quit, but never too late to start! YOU DESERVE IT!



I receive ongoing Holistic Wellness Coaching for the success, benefits, & tremendous growth, I continue to achieve! “With a blueprint, a coach uniquely for YOU, honoring & supporting your journey, you can effectively accomplish walking in all God created you to be!” The Authentic Awesome YOU!


Come join me today. And live out your highest truest best self,  like me!


    About Me:

– Certified Holistic Wellness and Life Coach with the International Association of Wellness Professionals
– Wellness 360™ Coach




Disclaimer: Information provided here on the website, in the office, online, or at any workshop is not an attempt to practice medicine or provide specific medical advice, or diagnosis, or treat a health problem or disease, and should not be relied on for any medical diagnosis or treatment purpose, or substitution. AND is tended strictly for educational or informational purposes ONLY, and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice or consultation with healthcare professionals! If you think you have an emergency, call your physician or 911 immediately! 

Wellness By Delite LLC

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