Greetings! I’m Dave, a certified holistic coach accredited by the International Association of Wellness Professionals. My expertise lies in empowering individuals to leverage the therapeutic properties of food, the vitality of soil, and the profound insights of self-awareness. Together, we’ll address and heal from the very root of your challenges, ensuring your mind, body, and spirit are in optimal harmony.

Since 2021, I’ve dedicated myself to advancing the cause of optimal living, emphasizing the pivotal role of nutrition in overall well-being. My journey of over 30 years in the wellness business has equipped me with a deep understanding of how societal norms, mental barriers, and ingrained beliefs can influence our health. Remember, genuine well-being starts within our nervous system, and having traversed this path personally, I’m uniquely positioned to guide you through it.

I’m also the visionary behind Inner Harbors. What commenced as a dedicated private practice has evolved into a robust digital online program designed to cater to diverse needs. With my guidance and Inner Harbors’ resources, your path to wellness is clearer than ever.

My Mission

I believe that there’s a universal intelligence guiding everything around us. Don’t you think everyone, no matter where they come from or their financial situation, deserves access to fresh, organic food packed with vitamins and minerals? I sure do! And it’s not just about food. Everyone should have the freedom to take charge of their mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. This isn’t just for personal growth; it’s for the betterment of our planet and the kind treatment of all creatures.

Here’s what I’m super passionate about:

  1. Taking care of our environment – from the soil we grow our food in, to the air we breathe and the water we drink.
  2. Sharing the amazing fact that our bodies are incredibly smart! They have this natural ability to heal and flourish when everything’s in sync.
  3. Helping people break free from limiting beliefs, past traumas, and societal pressures. It’s all about realizing our true potential and making it shine in this world.

I genuinely believe that everything is interconnected: the trees, animals, us, and our beautiful planet. When we truly grasp that there’s no dividing line between any of us and start being mindful of every decision we make, that’s when magic happens. We can all come together, with open hearts and a spirit of collaboration, to reach our fullest potential. Imagine a world where we all thrive together – sounds pretty awesome, right?

Join me on a holistic journey to embrace life and share experiences with loved ones and the world.

Your wellness is the anchor that keeps you grounded when the world feels adrift.

    About Me:

– Certified Wellness Coach with the International Association of Wellness Professionals
– Wellness 360™ Coach

Black Belt in Taekwondo: Achieved mastery in techniques, forms, and discipline, demonstrating dedication and commitment to the martial art.

– Founder of Inner Harbors