Healthy Summer Tips

Healthy Summer Travel Tips

It’s that time of year, where everyone is traveling whether it is a road trip, flight or cruise! What are you doing to stay healthy on vacation is a question that comes up alot lately! So, I thought I would share some of my tips with you!

  1. First tip to create success in any area of life: Plan! Plan what you can take as far as food or snacks depending on how you are traveling. You can check food in a suitcase and in the past I would freeze my coconut milk to use as ice packs when traveling. This may or may not work, depending on how long your flights are. Frozen coconut milk will stay solid for a few hours not 8 in these summer temps. I used to bring a separate suitcase with a mini blender and everything I needed to make smoothies and a few other options.
  2. Put your plan in your calendar: When I create my travel plan, it not only includes what I need to pack for clothing, technology, books and so on but food! Plan out what food you are bringing and put it on the calendar for when you are going to order it, buy the groceries and make it or where you will be dining out.
  3. Use an App to Find Healthy Restaurants and Grocery Stores: I am a huge fan of the Happy Cow app and have used it for years. There are others such as Healthy Out, Go Pure, and Healthy Dining Finder to name a few.
  4. Use an App to order groceries: Did you know that Whole Foods delivers these days? If you are part of Amazon Prime, you can download the Prime Now app and have groceries delivered in less than 2 hours. Find out if they can deliver to where you are vacationing!
  5. Amazon: If you are a Prime Member with Amazon you can have items delivered in hours in some locations and within two days in other locations. I have been known to order a food item and have it sent to my destination and have it be there when I arrive.
  6. Water Bottle: I always travel with a water bottle. You can’t go through airport security with a full water bottle, but you can refill your stainless steel or glass water bottle after you go through security! Some flights have turbulence and then the beverage service is cancelled. Some flights are too short for a beverage service at all. Having your water bottle filled ensures hydration on your flight.
  7. Hydrate: On average a person should be drinking half of their body weight in ounces. When you fly, you should be drinking an additional 8 ounces for every hour of flight to stay hydrated!
  8. Movement: Make sure to get exercise in on your vacation. Walking counts! If you are flying, make sure you move around the cabin every few hours, keep the blood flowing, and flex/wiggle your feet when sitting on a plane or in a car to keep things moving!

This is a good starter list to help stay on track with your healthy goals this summer when traveling!

What are some things that you do in advance to ensure a healthy vacation?

In Health & Wellness,

Kim G.

PS:   Check out my latest testimony from a Corporate Superwoman who has learned how to redefine being a Superwoman!

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